About, Hereabout
We’re in this together.
The collective soup, our economy, our families,
the democratic experiment,
the gut flip and beastly growl when we stub our toes,
the raw, irritating hangnail that though small, hurts like a sonofabitch,
losing someone we love
the debilitating breakup that transforms our bodies to lead. Body trauma.
sober mornings
embarrassing memories
when a friend asks how you’re doing, like really asks, and you break
the first drops of water after 40 days in the desert,
a perfect sunny side up egg,
good knees,
art for no reason,
our human experiment.
No matter what, my deepest feeling and belief is that we are worth it.
How I Work
I like intentions over agendas. I won’t promise that you’ll harness the power of anything, I won’t immediately push you in the direction of your “fullest potential” — whatever that means.
I will do my best to empty myself, to practice knowing nothing of nothing, and enter our meeting with an alive curiosity.
I will listen like my life depends on it. Because I believe it does.
We are connected and I feel that your suffering is yours alone and it is wholly mine. We are separate beings, with separate lives and I can never fully know your specific pain, and we are connected.
Often, in the beginning of a session, there will be a dumping of thoughts and emotions. In this initial flood clients will sometimes say, “sorry I’m getting off topic” or “ugh, this is word vomit” or “I forgot my point.” I don’t need a succinct topic, vomit is a biological miracle, and you are a human not a slide deck.
During this flood, I listen and feel for moments, words, shifts in energy that are notable. We are excavating and listening for themes, the thing that wants to emerge. I say we, because we co-create this space.
I am not the authority.